Thursday, October 7, 2010

Conditioning & Fast Break Drill

This drill is designed for two players, lets call them player A and player B. Player A starts in the paint with the ball and player B starts at the free throw line. Player A will go up for a lay up with either hand; at the same time the player B will start to sprint down the court toward the opposite goal. After player A makes their lay up they will pass it down the court to the other player B for a lay up on the opposite goal with either hand. After passing the ball, player A will sprint to the opposite free throw line, stop, then start top sprint back the other way. After player B makes their lay up, they rebound the ball and throw it back to player A so they shoot another layup. This will continue back and forth without stopping until the drill is over. Each player should make at least 10-15 lay ups and this should be done at least 3 times each workout. You can add as many player to the drill as you want. This is a great alternative to monotony of running sprints up and down the court and can be a great drill to build stamina. Please subscribe to my blog if you like the content.

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